Advertise with TMP
Hello Friend of TMP. Welcome to TheTMPlanet, I’m Sabrina, one of your muses here that hopes to inspire you to see that networking with your community not only benefits you, but uplifts the entire trans community. When the late lgbt activist Harvey Milk came to San Francisco, there was yet to be a gay neighborhood. Many of the businesses refused to sell or do any business with the growing number of lgbt people in S.F., at the time. To change that Harvey Milk urged the S.F.’s gay community to shop at gay owned businesses, or those that support lgbt people. It did not happen over night, but in time those that opposed us shut down and were replaced by lgbt businesses. This development created the Gay and Christopher street district we now know as the heart of the lgbt movement.
Fast forward to the 21st century. Many still use ‘Freedom of Religion’, to refuse service to transgender people. Yet, in the age of social networking we don’t have to spend our hard earned dollar where it’s not welcomed. There are thousands of trans entrepreneurs, along with a growing list of those that are supportive. It’s vital that we consider where and to whom, our money goes. TMP wants to be a part of helping you reach those customers that want a choice. We want to support all trans owned businesses, and provide a format so that you can reach a diverse and complete demographic of the modern trans community.
How can TMPlanet benefit your business?
- Our social media pages are some of the most liked, and followed in the trans community with a reach of 300,000+
- Our writers are from all walks of life, religions, race, nationalities, incomes, and transitional status.
- We are growing. With our new format, upcoming print issues, and diversity among some of the most respected writers in the trans community, you are guaranteed an audience.
- Decide by inspecting a sampling of our stats:

*The below images for these stats were taken during publishing of this section July 12, 2017 @ 4:32pm. A percentage of daily activity.

Now that you’ve got a snap shot of our audience, (more details upon request), so what’s the price details of advertising with TMPlanet?
- Our first print issue will be January 2018. Options for ads are:
- Full page ad/qt 75$
- 460 x 460 block ad/qt: 50$
- Classified Ads/ad, 1$ for individual, 5$ for business, Non-profits free with cross-linking of site. Classifieds are thumbnail size.
- New content daily
- Full page ad/qt- 150$ (this will also include a thumbnail classified, a 460 x 460 on correlating page or within a post, and a listing as valued Friend of TMP which will remain even after you end your ad subscription unless request otherwise).
- Banner’s within post/qt- 50$. Readers will find your trans owned business banner while reading one of many top stories. Also includes a thumbnail in classified section.
- 460 x 460 box ad/qt 25$, Placement options for footer, within post, or on sidebars.
All prices are based on a three month quarter of the year. A website ad will also run for three months for the price listed. That’s 25 dollars for a standard ad on our site for three months, along with a thumbnail in our community classifieds which begins winter of 2017. Each business ad will be shared 4x each month on our social media pages, which as of July 12 2017, there are nearly 40,000 combined followers and Friends of TMP.
Currently to inquire about ads contact us here or email We are currently working on having the shopping cart up and running for our future business partners to purchase ad space, along with classified ads.
Did I inspire you Friend? Whether you partner with TMP or not, you are our community and we will be eager to find ways to connect with you and to help you and all our community grow stronger together.
Thank you,
Sabrina Samone, CEO @ TMP Media Group