Living in the aftermath of the Leelah Alcorn’s suicide and being a transgender Christian, I’ve noticed a lot of anger towards Christians. I’ve had a transgender roommate who became the spokesperson for Pfox and their transgender conversion therapy and also watched it fail. I’ve also noticed countless trans people writing to tell me how bullied they felt as well by the church. I’ve watched for years as an old trans girl friend of mine, who sought out Christ, be told not to come back to specific churches. My own ex-fiancé who is trans, has also had a church ostracized him. I know as well, Jesus Christ himself was crucified by organized religion and he too hated it. What’s sad as a Christian to see is members of my own community turn their backs and literally hate God for what a man has said or did to them. It’s easy to blame God for what a specific church or preacher said or did, but not all who follow are of God. That is something my ex-fiancé knows and regardless of what happened, he’s still a man of God. It is what my old girl friend knows, as she continues relentlessly searching for a welcoming church. I’ve often myself asked her why and she’d say, “I’m not ever going to let someone take God from me, cause I know what he has done.”

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