Who can forget the countless tweets in support of limiting the rights of LGBTQ Americans, and especially the attempt at erasure of Trans Americans? In Case you’re like me, and at an age that sometimes causes you to forget, here’s a brief reminder. Starting in 2016, the last time he courted those that could be fooled.
Enough already, right? Sorry to place a trigger before my community. I remember and understand the sting those words felt to all in our community. How we began to fear for our lives in public, wondering when the next psychopathic, Trump supporter who believes the conspiracy theories that we’re all just Illuminati-satanist ready to turn the entire world Trans, may end our life. We must not forget the more he tweeted against our community, the more we heard of another Trans American being murdered or taking their own lives. Why shouldn’t you forget?
Because he thinks you have, and most recently during the RNC Convention had the audacity to court the LGBTQ Vote. A voting block becoming more and more powerful in each election. Yet, it’s a fractured voting block. Fascism, racism, and sexiest attitudes toward women and transgender women from the LGBTQ community still persist. The question to ask ourselves, no matter if you are a gay white cis-gender male or a transgender woman of color is DO YOU REMEMBER HOW HE SPOKE OUT AGAINST ALL OF US?
He is counting on your ignorance of his truth, according to a recent article in the New York Times; “After rolling back transgender protections, the Trump campaign is courting the L.G.B.T.Q. vote.”
June 2019 marked the 50th Anniversary of the LGBTQ movement, but what did Trumpzilla do? According to the New York Times, and those of us that were too hurt not to forget;
There was no tweet in honor of Pride Month, despite several aides’ suggestions to Mr. Trump that he write one. No rollout of a coalition aimed at L.G.B.T.Q. voters by his campaign, despite preparations that had been made for one. Embassies overseas were told they couldn’t fly the Pride flag.
There was, however, a rollback by the Trump administration of an Obama-era regulation mandating health care as a civil right for transgender patients under the Affordable Care Act.
Just over two months before Election Day, Mr. Trump is trailing in almost every poll to Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee, whom activists credit with pushing Mr. Obama to support gay marriage. And Mr. Trump’s advisers are suddenly talking about L.G.B.T.Q. people as they scramble to find new voter support.
Last weekend, the campaign announced the L.G.B.T.Q. coalition: the coalition that had been expected in June 2019, blaming the delay on the coronavirus.
Do we need any reminders? While countless groups; African Americans, Latinos, Women, the disabled, Veterans, the elderly, Asian Americans have all felt the sting of his Nazi-style, propaganda rhetoric. It may be the LGBTQ community that has the most to lose if another four years of a Neo Nazi’s reign, lead by a corrupted, non-christian evangelical community, hell-bent on placing all of us in concentration camps. WE SAY HELL NO TO CONCENTRATION CAMPS, WE SAY HELL NO TO FAKE PUMPED UP, SELF RIGHTEOUS, WANNA BE CHRISTIANS, AND WE SAY HELL NO to Trump. You did nothing to acknowledge, support, or help any LGBTQIA person and you will not get our vote.
Please sign this Petition
Petition: Tell Trump to Stop Healthcare Discrimination Against LGBTQ People!

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