The Machine and the Circus: Why Caitlyn’s Not Going Away

By Lynnea Urania Stuart It’s too easy to say she knows not what she does.  Caitlyn Jenner has come to be known as much for a litany of missteps as her record of athletic heroism.  She’s also terrified of them, as much a child of image as of privilege, evident in her confession that she […]

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The Problem With Cis-to-Trans Fan Art and Headcanons

By Artist Levi van Wyk:
I feel that if a transgender person states that they do not agree with something transgender-related, which was created by someone outside of the transgender community, they should be respected, instead of attacked. A lot of transgender individuals on these groups mentioned that they usually get attacked by cisgender individuals, and told that they house “internalized transphobia”.

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Australian Anti-LGBT Group Creates “Transgender Marriage” Fear Tactics

The Australian Family Association and the National Civic Council, anti-lgbt groups, attacks as Australia carries out its postal survey on same-sex marriage. The fear tactic of a “transgender marriage” has been raised by some anti-LGBTI groups, as well as former Labor leader Mark Latham. which are very much opposed to same-sex marriage, have warned against allowing any two consenting adults to marry, claiming it will lead to changes in other laws.

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Auschwitz’s-The Pink Triangle-Never Forget

Why is it important to remember? Today, nations like Russia, Uganda, and now Kazakhstan, among other small nations have adopted anti-lgbt laws that have spread hate, caused harm, and shown remarkable resemblance to the type of laws Hitler began issuing regarding the Jewish people shortly before World War II. Nazi anti-Jewish policy began functioning on two primary levels: legal measures to expel the Jews from society and strip them of their rights and property, while simultaneously engaging in campaigns of incitement, abuse, terror, and violence of varying proportions. There was one goal: to make the Jews leave Germany. On March 9, 1933, several weeks after Hitler assumed power, organized attacks on Jews broke out across Germany.

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