Israeli Stressors: Liberty amid tension between democracy and theocracy

It isn’t a perfect democracy. It isn’t a perfect theocracy either. Which form of rule appears more perfect probably has more to do with one’s own religious orientation than fact. But the modern State of Israel continues to be a land of struggle, not only between Jew and Arab, but also the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox partisans) […]

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The Company You Keep: A good reason to do lunch with someone you think is a nut

Social maxims come in 2 flavors.  I’ll use an example because any attempt to explain in abstract terms may appear clear as Mississippi mud. Consider the maxim that says, “Your character is judged according to the company you keep.”  I think it’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority would agree it’s sound advice.  […]

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I INVITE YOU: Let’s look at the continuing relevance of the Transgender Day of Remembrance

For what action am I known more often than anything else at observances of the International Transgender Day of Remembrance?  No, it isn’t speaking, though I have spoken at these events.  I’m more known for walking out and continuing my observance at home. It isn’t that I oppose the International Transgender Day of Remembrance (ITDOR).  […]

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Why I Protest: it isn’t about the president but about pregnant people

I want to tell you about a stupid beauty pageant. What?  We expected an article on reasons for protest.  Since when do protests have anything to do with beauty pageants?  Actually, they have more in common than you may think.  Let me explain. That beauty pageant was the last event I had ever expected a […]

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Redefinition’s Logical Consequences: where may Trump’s proposed policy lead?

“I’ll give you a choice.  Either you can jump now, or we will deport you to Zimbabwe and we will report in your deportation documents that you are a homosexual.” My Zimbabwean friend told me this was one of many incidents in the Soviet Union where students had jumped from high buildings during the time […]

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