As the country entered the middle of the Covid Holiday scare after Thanksgiving, and as ‘we the people‘ were forced to hear the lies of a President about an Election he called fraud before the election had even started, was playing out on TV, many found escape as best we could on social media. Just like Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla.
For some unexplained reason, Elon Musk couldn’t wrap his head around pronouns.
Earlier on in Dec. 2020, the clearly bored billionaire logged onto Twitter and chose ‘cancel culture‘. He shared a meme making fun of people and calling to question those who list their pronouns in their social media bios.
People who list their pronouns do so to indicate how people should refer to them. Many cisgender allies list their pronouns to support transgender, genderqueer, and nonbinary people and normalize the practice of asking how one would like to be referred to.
Musk’s “joke” here is that people with their pronouns in their bio are oppressive and revel in the bloodshed it causes. “Joke” is used loosely here since there’s no punchline, but it seems to be a jab at the fabled “social justice warrior” types who want to make free speech illegal or something.
In reality, using someone’s correct pronouns is really just a simple sign of respect. People who refuse to use them or make a big deal about the alleged mental gymnastics it takes to switch the “he” to “they” in their heads invalidate many LGBTQ+ folk’s identities and existence.
It’s unclear why Musk posted the meme at all, but it unleashed an avalanche of transphobia in the comments below it. We won’t be sharing any of those here, but you can click on the tweet and take a look yourself, but you are warned. The post, from Dec., 14th, is still up even with the minor derogatory news coverage for a couple of days it received.

The results of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s 2021 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) are in, and Tesla again is one of the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.” Tesla’s 2021 CEI rating marks the seventh time the manufacturer has received a high HRC rating, despite the recent flip-up by the current CEO.

The Foundation’s CEI report analyzes how US leading companies are promoting policies and practices to protect and assist workers who are members of the LGBTQ community. This year, 767 businesses have earned 100 points in the ranking and were marked as the Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality. Tesla is one of these companies because it has been creating an enabling environment for LGBTQs in its company over the years.

Businesses that adopt policies and initiatives that favor LBGTQ are not only helping their local workers in the US; they also make life much easier for LGBT employees working overseas. This is true for companies like Tesla, which has a team of employees working in different countries around the world.

To earn top ratings, Tesla took concrete steps to establish and implement comprehensive policies, benefits, and practices that ensure greater equity for LGBTQ workers and their families. Alphonso David, HRC President said:
“Our participating companies know that building an LGBTQ-inclusive workplace is not just the right thing to do–it is also the best business decision–allowing companies to attract, retain and engage top talent.”

Yet the actions of the CEO solely are not a choice in HRC’s decision obviously, but their annual ranking is based on these criteria.
Tesla earned the highest marks possible in a CEI review of criteria that fall under four central pillars:
- Non-discrimination policies across business entities;
- Equitable benefits for LGBTQ workers and their families;
- Supporting an inclusive culture; and,
- Corporate social responsibility.

Tesla Is #1 Brand By LGBT Consumers
Now with all this talk of Tesla being one of the best for LGBT workers, what about the best Tesla for LGBT shoppers. Giving you are lucky enough to win the lottery soon because the Rainbow Painted Tesla Model S, is the #1 choice for LGBT customers.

We do love our Rainbows and Unicorns!!!
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