Joe Biden took a question at his town hall on Thursday from the mother of an 8-year-old transgender girl, who cited several of the Trump administration’s anti-transgender policies; including the ban on trans people serving openly in the military, and then asked Biden how he would protect the “lives and rights of LGBTQ people.”
“I will flat out just change the law, eliminate those executive orders,” Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, said. “There should be zero discrimination.”
He also acknowledged the disparities trans women of color face, particularly Black trans women, and the high level of violence and murder they face. The Human Rights Campaign says that at least 33 trans or gender-nonconforming Americans have been killed this year alone.
Many, if not the majority of the trans population support Biden/ Harris. the few who aren’t, are often those known in the community who are “new” to transition and have yet to learn to let go of perceived male privileges. More likely to support Trump, are those most identified closely with an affinity to their Hetero-white-cis-gender male privilege.
This was welcome news to many in the trans community after the devastation that has taken place under the Trump Administration. According to the Washington Post, “This administration has attacked the trans community constantly in President Trump’s two years in office: the military ban, rolling back trans student protections, the trans erasure memo, new trans prison regulations, even last week’s Housing and Urban Development rule regarding trans homeless people. But this proposal is the most sweeping and devastating of them all. It also essentially completes the Trump administration’s attempt to undo legal gains we had made: As ThinkProgress reported Friday, nearly all of the political advances trans people made under President Barack Obama are now gone. Suddenly, it’s 2008 again for trans people here.”
Trump supporters have heard of these advancements throughout his rallies, which why it’s not surprising that days after Biden’s pledge of support to the most marginalized group in American, Trump’s conspiracist began to work by continuing his attack on Trans Americans. A simple search now on Biden supports the Transgender community ranges from “Biden will now support SRS surgery for minors” To “Biden and Harris are going to make your children trans.”

Already, many stories are reporting on the outrage from the Evangelical community over his support of trans people, as if they don’t already have one politician doing their evil bidding.
As my readers may have noticed, I’ve refused to link these conspiracy theory articles. I will not, and will never help aid in their effort of misinformation. Also to my readers of TMPlanet, this is a news article and I beg of you to overlook my mistake of adding my own editorial to it. Yet, I’m one of you, I’m a transgender woman of color. Our lives are not the punching bag for the Trump administration and or the Evangelical community, whom I’d like to ask, “Where is your heart of Christ gone? You blasphemous Nicodemite’s!”

We are human beings and not some cult. The only cult we see are those that follow Trump and endangering not only the life of a recent Governor but of every trans person in America. I bring this report to my community, to urge, each of my brothers and sisters, to arm yourselves against the propaganda, and misinformation machine.
We, my sisters and brothers, are valuable and are valid people. We are deserving of love and the protection of our Country. Especially from a Republican, Administration determined to have us erased. This Nov. 3rd, let your voices rise as one!!!
The Choice for Trans America is Biden/Harris 2020
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