A Crisis of Fatal Violence; 90% Rise in LGBTQ Murders-TMPlanet

According to a new report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP)¹, 2017 saw an unprecedented rise in murders of LGBTQIA persons, a 90% rise. The NCAVP calls it “a crisis of fatal violence!”

As a community, it’s our worst fears come true, about the division sparked by this #FakeWhiteHouse. Upon his Data-Putin influenced win, we’ve seen countless examples of this administration dividing the country and their blatant attacks on the LGBT populations. If any connection is proved to Russia, we only need look at that Anti-LGBT country, to see what the ultimate goal is for LGBT Americans, under trumpzilla. The horrific rise in hate crimes and the un-reported casualties are a result of this administrations propaganda against our community.

Homicides resulting from anti-LGBT hate crimes saw an 86% spike, from 28 in 2016 to 52 in 2017). Part of that rise can be attributed to better reporting, but the Trump administration’s anti-LGBT policies as proven by a story in New Now Next about the FBI’s predictions² of the rise we are experiencing. In addition, the Justice Department is looking to remove questions about crimes against LGBT teens in upcoming surveys.

The NCAVP revealed that it released its report early to raise awareness ” of the crisis of fatal violence against LGBTQ and HIV affected communities,” the group said in a public statement. “NCAVP hopes that the sharing of this information now will encourage people to reject anti-LGBTQ bias whenever it occurs and to resist any hateful rhetoric or policies put forward by this administration or by current legislators.”

Though the data shows an increase of fatal attacks across all sexual and gender minorities, specific groups are the most vulnerable: Transgender women of color make up the largest sector of victims of hate-based homicides. Last year we lost 27 transgender people with all but three were women of color, and all but one identified as female.

Not since the 1770’s, have Americans felt the need to defend “We The People”, as we do currently with this #FakeWhiteHouse. With questions of the legitimacy of his election, his attacks on people of color, religious groups, women, immigrants and LGBT people, it makes one wonder, who is this President for, if all the “We The People” are under attack and feel threatened?



  1. NCAVP has been tracking anti-LGBT hate crimes since 1996, with a mission to “prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities.”
  2. New Now Next- FBI says Anti-LGBTQ hate crimes on the rise.
  3. 27 that Rest In Power, The Advocate Photos.


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